La produzione del film rebot di Kevin Smith, Jay and  Silent Bob è ufficialmente iniziata, e il regista ha deciso di celebrare  l’occasione con una fotografia dietro le quinte al fianco di Jason Mewes e Jason Lee , entrambi i quali sembrano aver vissuto la loro vita completamente intatta dal tempo. Silent Bob stesso sembra un po ‘diverso, ovviamente, ma per una buona ragione; Smith ha cambiato la sua vita per motivi di salute dopo essere sopravvissuto a un massiccio attacco cardiaco esattamente un anno prima che il  reboot iniziasse le riprese. “Abbiamo scelto 2/25 come data di inizio del riavvio * intenzionalmente *, per celebrare il fatto che non sono diventato Silent Bob per sempre 365 giorni fa”, ha scritto Smith al messaggio che accompagna la foto.

Jay e Silent Bob Reboot è attualmente predisposto per una data di rilascio nell’autunno del 2019.

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One year ago today, I almost died. So today, I’m living it up on with @jaymewes and Jason Lee on Day 1 of my new flick @jayandsilentbob Reboot! Thanks to @saban_films and Universal for the loot to make this epic, @jordanmonsanto and @destrofilms for making it happen, @jenschwalbach and @harleyquinnsmith for humoring my goofy bullshit one more time, and #jasonmewes for standing beside me all these years while I do the hardest thing I can personally ever do, either in film or in real life: simply shut the fuck up. I couldn’t think of a better scene with which to start the shoot than the return to the Mall with Brodie Bruce. The three of us gathered for a couple hours last night to run the lines and realized we first rehearsed together waaaaay back in the mid-90’s. It may be 24 years later and we may have 6 kids between us, but Jay, Lee and me partied like it was 1995, giggling while adding jokes and finding inflections. The Oscars were on in the background during our practice and I couldn’t help but feel relief when the “In Memoriam” montage ended and I wasn’t in it. We picked 2/25 as the Reboot start date *intentionally*, to celebrate the fact that I did not become Silent Bob forever 365 days ago. But after a blissful couple hours of making pretend with my friends on the set of my 14th film, I’m starting to think I *did* die in that operating room after all. Because what could be more Heavenly than this? #KevinSmith #jayandsilentbob #jayandsilentbobreboot #jasonlee #jaymewes #neworleans #brodiebruce #wwambassador #movie

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