La leggenda di Star Wars, Carrie Fisher, ci ha lasciati in questo giorno due anni fa, e i fan di tutto il mondo si sono rivolti ai social media per rendere omaggio alla defunta attrice e portare omaggio alla sua memoria. 

Nella notte, la figlia di Carrie, Billie Lourd, ha condiviso un toccante omaggio di sua madre via Instagram. 

L’attrice di Star Wars: Gli ultimi Jedi ha pubblicato un video di se stessa che canta una delle canzoni preferite di sua madre al pianoforte che le è stata data da suo padre, Eddie Fisher.

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🎏🅾️®️ ♏️🅾️♏️🅱️🌱It has been two years since my Momby’s death and I still don’t know what the “right” thing to do on a death anniversary is (I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way about your loved ones). So I decided to do something a little vulnerable for me, but something we both loved to do together – sing. This is the piano her father gave her and this was one of her favorite songs. And as the song says, we must “keep on moving”. I’ve found that what keeps me moving is doing things that make me happy, working hard on the things that I’m passionate about and surrounding myself with people I love and making them smile. I hope this encourages anyone feeling a little low or lost to “keep on moving”. As my Momby once said, “take your broken heart and turn it into art” – whatever that art may be for you. ❤️

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Recentemente è stato confermato che Carrie Fisher farà un’apparizione postuma nell’episodio IX 


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